1.1. Setting Up Your Project Environment

Let’s say you’re just getting started on project id CHM101. A standard workflow on Summit is to build and install project sources to /ccs/proj/CHM101, stage input/output files to /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/CHM101, and use /gpfs/alpine/scratch/$USER/CHM101 during a run.

A good project layout will usually look like:

    /spack         -- local spack installation for dependencies
    /cp2k-June2021 -- project's main application code
       /python     -- local python environment
       /analysis1  -- user1's scripts for analysis
    README.md      -- explanation of your project layout, file locations and storage/transfer policy

        /experiment1 -- config files, lsf (batch script), and key outputs


    /experiment1 -- runtime scratch space for experiment1

1.1.1. Installing Software

The first step is, of course, to download and install your application codes and libraries. For optimal performance, you’ll want to do these steps yourself or have a way to check that they are performing correctly.

For example, the apps/CP2K program depends largely on GPU-enabled libraries for using the GPUs.

It’s important to check the available modules for available system-specific, optimized dependencies.

module spider mpi

It’s good practice to document your module environment by creating a setup script. Here’s an example from cp2k.

# /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k-June2021/env.sh
# to use this, run "source /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k-June2021/env.sh"

module load cmake
module load gcc
module load python/3
module load spectrum-mpi
module load cuda
module load hdf5
module load openblas
module load netlib-scalapack # includes blas, CPU only
# non-threaded BLAS is preferred (TODO)
module load fftw/3
module load gsl Useful Info

On Summit, you should compile on the login nodes, but stick to less than 4 or 8 processors to be kind to other users.

Summit is an IBM system, and uses spectrum-mpi as provided by a module. It is based on openmpi 4.0.1, and supports the MPI 3.2 standard. (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSZTET_10.3/smpi_overview.html). Spectrum updates are deployed every 6 months or so. Upgrades and downtimes are announced weeks in advanced, and put on the facility calendar. Old modules become deprecated (but still available). Keep track of your build process, because you will probably want to re-build on these updates.

IBM has ESSL as a BLAS library, but it doesn’t include all the lapack functions. We also provide a netlib-scalapack library that includes lapack/blas, as well as a separate openblas library.

Summit’s hardware is documented at https://docs.olcf.ornl.gov/systems/summit_user_guide.html#system-overview The V100 GPUs have compute capability 70, so the usual flag passed to nvcc is –gpu_arch=sm_70.

Compilation and package choices should be informed by available modules and/or the difficulty of building those libraries manually. Work incrementally if possible.

Usually, you can get important public, core libraries turned into modules by emailing the help desk at help@olcf.ornl.gov. But be sure you have tried them first and it’s what you really want (so you have a complete request to email).

To test out your environment and develop LSF batch scripts for running jobs, you can run interactively.

bsub -P CHM101 -nnodes 1 -q debug -W 30 -Is $SHELL

Note that your interactive jobs are running on a launch node, which is shared with other users. You should limit yourself to one processor on the launch nodes, and use jsrun to

Don’t compile on the launch nodes. If you must, use jsrun (equivalent of mpirun) to run make on a summit node instead.

When creating job scripts, it’s a good idea to test your launch configuration using https://jobstepviewer.olcf.ornl.gov/.