7.1. Running CP2K on Summit

7.1.1. Installing CP2K

Here’s the process of querying system information and installing cp2k - a quantum chemistry package with lots of dependencies.

cd /ccs/proj/CHM101
git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k.git cp2k

Going through the dependency list in the INSTALL instructions, make is there, but python-3 comes from a module.

module avail python

It’s good practice to collect these into a standard environment. We’ll end up with the following,

# /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k-env.sh
# to use this, run "source /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k-env.sh"

module load cmake
module load gcc
module load python/3
module load spectrum-mpi
module load cuda
module load hdf5
module load openblas
module load netlib-scalapack # includes blas, CPU only
# non-threaded BLAS is preferred (TODO)
module load fftw/3
module load gsl

CP2K provides a toolchain to compile its other dependencies,

cd cp2k/tools/toolchain
./install_cp2k_toolchain.sh --help

-j <n>                    Number of processors to use

             On Summit, you can compile on the head node,
             but stick to less than 4 or 8 processors
             to be kind to other users.


             Summit is an IBM system, and uses spectrum-mpi
             as provided by a module.  It is based on openmpi 4.0.1,
             and supports the MPI 3.2 standard.
             Spectrum updates are deployed every 6 months or so.
             Upgrades and downtimes are announced weeks in advanced,
             and put on the facility calendar.
             Old modules become deprecated (but still available).
             Keep track of your build process, because you will probably
             want to re-build on these updates.


             IBM has ESSL as a BLAS library, but it doesn't include
             all the lapack functions.  We also provide a netlib-scalapack
             library that includes lapack/blas, as well as a separate openblas

--enable-cuda=yes         You should definitely use GPUs when on Summit.

             Summit's hardware is documented at
             The V100 GPUs have compute capability 70, so the usual flag
             passed to nvcc is --gpu_arch=sm_70.

--enable-cray=no          Summit's vendor is IBM, not Cray.

             Package choices, below, are mostly informed by available
             modules and/or the difficulty of building those libraries
             manually.  Work incrementally if possible.

             Usually, you can get important public, core libraries turned
             into modules by emailing the help desk at help@olcf.ornl.gov.
             But be sure you have tried them first and it's what you really want
             (so you have a complete request to email).

--with-gcc=system         Provided by gcc module

--with-cmake=system       Provided by cmake module

--with-openmpi=system     Provided by spectrum-mpi module

--with-fftw=system        Provided by the fftw/3 module

--with-cosma=no           Replaces scalapack, we'll try keeping scalapack first.

--with-openblas=system    Provided by the openblas module (CPU only).
--with-scalapack=system   Provided by the netlib-scalapack module (CPU only).

--with-elpa=no            ELPA works using GPU on Summit, but this
                          automated build isn't working. [I tried]

--with-ptscotch=no        No module is available, can revisit if PEXSI is needed.
--with-superlu=no         not using PEXSI right away.

--with-gsl=system         provided by the gsl module
--with-hdf5=system        provided by hdf5 module

             Ask the tool to install all of the following chemistry-specific
             libraries locally:

--with-libxc=install      The tool will install.
--with-sirius=no          Trial and error - not currently building.
--with-libxsmm=no         x86_x64 is different than IBM's PPC (ppc64le)

After running install_cp2k_toolchain.sh with the options above, it provides further instructions. The compile fails (with a bash syntax error) at some point because of a missing environment variable, but it’s easy to fix the scripts/stage1/install_openmpi.sh so that the mpi3 path is taken.

Now copy:
 cp /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k/tools/toolchain/install/arch/* to the cp2k/arch/ directory
To use the installed tools and libraries and cp2k version
compiled with it you will first need to execute at the prompt:
  source /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k/tools/toolchain/install/setup
To build CP2K you should change directory:
  cd cp2k/
  make -j 128 ARCH=local VERSION="ssmp sdbg psmp pdbg"

arch files for GPU enabled CUDA versions are named "local_cuda.*"
arch files for valgrind versions are named "local_valgrind.*"
arch files for coverage versions are named "local_coverage.*"

I added the extra source ... line to /ccs/proj/CHM101/cp2k-env.sh, and then compiled. Apparently, the fortran sanitizer is not available on our system (at least with gcc 6.4.0). CP2K makes it easy to fiddle with compile flags by editing the arch/local* files though, so you can manually remove -fsanitize=leak from the arch/local* files.

That’s not necessary in this case, since the main executable you want to build is:

make -j 4 ARCH=local_cuda VERSION=psmp

You can check that this binary “should” be GPU-enabled by running ldd exe/local_cuda/cp2k.psmp. This shows several NVIDIA libraries, so at least we know some function calls to those libraries exist. You should always check your code’s performance and correctness to be sure.

7.1.2. TODO

Complete this example with:

  • an lsf script, explain what the launch node is
  • I/O paths (write to /gpfs), expected IO throughput ~ 10 Mb/s in file-per-process mode, expect latency
  • saving software version and parameters in output
  • collecting profiling / timing data