Computational Kernels


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What are memory and compute-bound kernels?

  • Run the OSU MPI and Mixbench GPU benchmarks.

  • Understand bottlenecks to peak performance.

High-performance compute clusters make use of specialized network hardware in order to maximize message bandwidth and minimize latency. In most cases, this means specialized “network fabric” libraries from the hardware vendors need to be installed. Then, some version of the MPI library should be built “on top” of these vendor communication libraries.

This linking process can be confusing - so it’s important to read the vendor and MPI library instructions carefully. Then benchmark your MPI by using it to exchange data and timing it. If the timings don’t match what the vendor says can be done, it probably means you are not compiling MPI or your application with the right options.

It could also mean you are launching your MPI process incorrectly, causing the wrong assignment of MPI ranks to processors and other machine resources.

Run the OSU MPI Benchmarks

Download the latest version of the OSU Microbenchmarks. Extract, compile and link with your version of MPI, and run the one-sided osu_get_latency and osu_get_bw benchmarks using 2 MPI ranks on the same host.

Plot the results to show latency and bandwidth as a function of packet size.


tar xzf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.7.1.tgz
mkdir osu.default && cd osu.default
../osu-micro-benchmarks-*/configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx CFLAGS=-I$(PWD)/../src/osu-micro-benchmarks-*/util --prefix=$PWD
cd libexec/osu-micro-benchmarks/mpi/one-sided
mpirun -n 2 ./osu_get_latency >latency.dat
mpirun -n 2 ./osu_get_bw >bw.dat
gnuplot <<.
set term eps enh color lw 2
set out "bw.eps"
set logscale x
set logscale y
set xlabel "Message Size / bytes"
set ylabel "Bandwidth / MB/sec"
plot "bw.dat" u 1:2 w l

set out "latency.eps"
set ylabel "Latency / us"
plot "latency.dat" u 1:2 w l

Now that we’ve covered how to test communication speed, it’s time to turn to local computation speed. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are constructed with matrix (image) processing in-mind. They achieve this by using very large vector-sizes and optimizing for performing single instruction multiple data (SIMD) operations while pre-fetching data from memory.

Reading and writing data to GPU memory takes many more clock cycles than performing operations like add, multiply, divide, on data that’s already present. This means that you have to do lots of operations on data that’s already sitting in the SIMD units in order for your kernel to be compute-bound.

The number of floating point operations done on every byte read is called “Arithmetic Intensity.” It controls the trade-off between reading a new batch of data and operating on the data that’s present.

If you do just one operation for every byte read, then the run-time will depend on the GPU’s maximum memory bandwidth. At some value of arithmetic intensity, however, you’ll be doing so many operations on every byte of data that the memory access will be completely hidden. In this case, the performance flattens to a “roofline”, at the peak floating point operations the processor is capable of performing.

You can see this behavior by running an invented kernel with an adjustable number of flops per byte, and plotting flops vs. arithmetic intensity.

Run Mixbench

Download the latest version of the Mixbench Microbenchmark and produce a “roofline” plot of achieved flops vs arithmetic intensity.


cd $HOME
git clone
mkdir mixbench/build && cd mixbench/build
cmake -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=80 ../mixbench-cuda
make -j
./mixbench-cuda-alt | tee alt.log
grep ^ *[0-9] alt.log* | sed -e s/,//g >alt.dat
gnuplot <<.
set term eps enh color lw 2
set out "roofline.eps"
set xlabel "Arithmetic Intensity / FLOP/BYTE"
set ylabel "Bandwidth / MB/sec"
plot "bw.dat" u 2:4 w l title "single"
plot "bw.dat" u 6:8 w l title "double"

Peak performance

Both of the micro-benchmarks above show how communicating data can easily become a bottleneck for algorithm run-time. Even the very fast memory movement between GPU memory and GPU processors can occupy the time of hundreds of floating point operations.

When part of a matrix or vector needs to be communicated between MPI ranks before a solution step can proceed, then the whole computation runs the risk of running at the same speed as the network bandwidth. Even small-data operations like broadcasting the result of a local vector-vector dot product incur a latency cost.

To write an effective parallel algorithm, data movement must be overlapped with computation as much as possible. Further, scattering and gathering data between MPI ranks should make use of faster links between ranks on the same node as much as possible.

Finally, all these operations should be done as explicitly as possible so that the processors access local memory. Asking two processors to implicitly be aware of memory updates from one another causes the processes to interrupt each other. Assigning every MPI rank to a specific processor and bank of memory (using system NUMA controls) prevents these hidden interruptions.

Check for NUMA Issues

Add MPI init, send/receive, and finalize calls to mixbench.

Create a batch script that launches this MPI job over your entire cluster. Check the point-to-point bandwidth achieved between your send/receive calls and make sure that every rank is getting full use of the GPU.

If you have issues at this stage, it’s likely that your mpirun launch configuration is incorrect.

Key Points

  • Most applications are memory-bound, which complicates parallelization.

  • Compute-bound applications depend on peak theoretical flops.

  • Getting good performance from parallel solvers is hard.