
Teaching: 8 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do sparse matrix algorithms divide work using MPI?

  • What are the key factors affecting their performance?

  • Why is peak network bandwidth a reasonable target for HPCG?

  • Setup and run the HPCG benchmark.

  • Demonstrate the effect of task placement during job launch.

Now that you’ve completed the run of HPL, running HPCG should be a walk in the park.

spack install -v hpcg

You might want to experiment with different compilers. Some examples are provided by amd.

If you change into the bin directory spack installed HPCG into, you can run xhpcg using the default parameter file. It outputs two summary files. The one starting HPCG-Benchmark contains the most run details.

Key summary information is contained in the sections marked Performance Summary, which include run-time, bandwidth (GB/s), and compute throughput (GFLOP/s).

What Happened?

The HPCG input file doesn’t say a lot about the underlying algorithm, but what’s happening underneath are a series of computational tasks that are memory-bound.

Memory-bound tasks are things like “scale a vector by 4” or “add two vectors.” These require relatively little computation, but much more data-movement.

When solving a sparse linear system, matrix-vector multiplications can be computed with the help of just a few elements from neighboring processors. The conjugate gradient algorithm is just a series of matrix multiplies and dot products that bring the answer closer to the solution. Thus, the timings for the overall solve are reflecting this memory bottleneck happening at each step.

HPCG Input File

The HPCG input file, hpcg.dat is comparatively simple. The two lines provide problem size (3D) and run-time (seconds). The run-time is approximate, and running longer usually provides higher performance because slow steps during startup contribute less to the average.

The configuration file sets problem size as number of points along x, y, and z-dimensions. The memory requirement for HPCG should scale proportionately to their product, nx*ny*nz. The second line contains the approximate target run-time in seconds.

For your final reported HPCG time, your output file will need to report that the memory used was at least 25% of the system’s total memory and the run-time was at least 1800 seconds.


Non-uniform memory access is an architecture for cpu/memory connection used in modern compute platforms. It uses “fast” connections between CPUs and associated memory regions. In order to achieve peak performance, MPI ranks and processing threads should be assigned to processors consistently (this assignment is called process and thread affinity). This is necessary because the Linux kernel, by default, moves processes between CPUs to achieve load balance.

When using a batch job scheduler like SLURM, the scheduler is able to call the hwloc library and use flags to srun in order to setup processor binding for every MPI rank.

On a simple cluster without SLURM, you can launch jobs directly using mpirun, which can use ssh and a host-file. Some versions of mpirun, like openmpi, help when deailing with thread affinity. If you decide to tinker with calling numactl directly, you can replace mpirun xhpl with mpirun xhpl.sh, and write a script, xhpl.sh to setup environment variables and numa options. Some useful guides are here: http://www.hpc.acad.bg/numactl/, https://glennklockwood.com/hpc-howtos/process-affinity.html.

Key Points

  • HPCG requires tuning job launch configurations (like NUMA) to achieve peak communication bandwidth.

  • Few-node performance should be an indicator of full-scale performance.